Financial Services Guide Part 1

What is a Financial Services Guide?We understand how important financial advice is and wishto thank you for considering choosing an InterPrac FinancialPlanning adviser to assist you in identifying and achievingyour financial goals.This Financial Services Guide - Part 1, together with theAdviser Profile - Part 2, are designed to help you get to knowInterPrac Financial Planning Pty Limited and our AuthorisedRepresentative (Adviser), a little better. This will help youdecide whether you would like to use our financial servicesand explain what to expect and how much you can expect topay for those services.Our Advisers are required to provide these documents toyou prior to providing any personal financial advice,products and/or services.The Financial Services Guide - Part 1 contains informationabout: InterPrac Financial Planning as a licensee. The financial services we offer and how we provideadvice and make recommendations. Fees, commissions and other benefits that may bepaid to us. The collection and handling of your personalinformation (our Privacy Policy). What to do if you should have a concern orcomplaint about our service.The Adviser Profile - Part 2 contains important informationabout your Adviser. This includes their AuthorisedRepresentative number, accreditations, qualifications andexperience, areas of advice and types of financial servicesthey can provide. It also details how they get paid and feesthat you may be charged. If you have not yet received anAdviser Profile, please ask your adviser for a copy or contactInterPrac Financial Planning head office.Acknowledging receipt and explanation of theFinancial Services Guide andAdviser ProfileIt is important that you acknowledge that your Adviser hasprovided you with a copy of this Financial Services Guide(Part 1) and Adviser Profile (Part 2) and explained theircontents to you. To assist in this process, please sign, dateand return the acknowledgement form on the last page ofthis document to your Financial Adviser.About InterPrac Financial PlanningInterPrac Financial Planning was established in 2004 to workwith accountants and like minded financial planners forwhom the relationship will always be with the client. Overthe years we expanded our services for the benefit of ourAdvisers and their clients. InterPrac Financial Planning hason Multiple occasions been awarded the IFA ExcellenceAward by a judging panel of industry leaders.To continue to provide the support and training to ournational network of Advisers, in December 2017 InterPracbecame part of the listed Financial Services entity SequoiaFinancial Group Ltd ASX Market Participants (SEQ). Thatprovides InterPrac advisers and their clients access todedicated broking and listed equity support as well as accessto Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s). In addition to retainingaccess to general insurance, finance brokers, SMSF adminand NTAA Corporate for the provisions of company trustsand super fund documents.Sequoia Financial Group Ltd consists of: InterPrac Securities Morrison Securities Pty Ltd Sequoia Wealth Management Pty Ltd InterPrac General Insurance Pty Ltd NTAA Corporate Pty Ltd SMSF Engine Pty Ltd PantherCorp Sequoia Superannuation Pty Ltd Sequoia Asset Management Pty Ltd Finance Network News Pty Ltd Sequoia Specialist Investments Pty Ltd Sequoia Direct Pty Ltd Bourse Data Pty Ltd Sequoia Corporate Finance Pty Ltd Yield Report Pty Ltd Australian Practical Superannuation Pty Ltd Libertas Financial Planning Pty LtdInterPrac Financial Planning will continue to act under itsexisting licence and management yet be able to draw on theexperience, financial strength and opportunities that an ASXlisted group can offer.InterPrac Financial Planning and its Advisers will always actin your best interests. All strategies and products used willaddress your personal circumstances and needs.Lack of IndependenceTo avoid the potential for any conflict of interest, InterPrac Financial Planning, although not a subsidiary of, nor controlled by,any Bank or Insurer states that it is not independent, impartial, or unbiased.It is a subsidiary of the Sequoia Financial Group, ASX Code SEQ which provides scale and & broad-based approved products &services that an Adviser may recommend if it is in client’s Best Interests.3InterPrac Financial Planning is responsible for the financialservices provided by our Advisers and have authorised thedistribution of this Financial Services Guide - Part 1 andAdviser Profile - Part 2.InterPrac Financial Planning contact details:InterPrac Financial Planning Pty LtdAustralian Financial Services Licence: 246638Level 8, 525 Flinders St Melbourne Vic 3001Phone: (03) 9209 9777Financial Services we can provideInterPrac Financial Planning is licensed to provide financialadvice and deal in financial products by acquiring, varyingor disposing for retail or wholesale clients: Deposit Products; Interests in Managed Investment Schemes includingUnit Trusts, Investment Bonds, Property Trusts, GrowthFunds, Balanced Funds, Index Funds, IDPS, RSAs,Government Bonds, Debentures and Cash ManagementAccounts; Securities and Derivatives limited to old law optionscontracts and warrants. Superannuation, including Allocated Pensions,Rollovers, Personal Superannuation, CompanySuperannuation and Self Managed SuperannuationFunds; Retirement Planning including aged care and estateplanning; Life Insurance Products, including Annuities, TermInsurance, Income Protection, Trauma and Total andPermanent Disability Insurance; Standard Margin LendingThe Adviser Profile - Part 2 details specific services yourAdviser is able to advise on.What is the Financial Advice process?The Financial advice process starts with client engagement,identification of goals and objectives and thecomprehensive information gathering process.By agreement we will then formulate the strategies that webelieve will best meet your goals and objectives.These strategies will then be provided in a Financial Plan(Statement of Advice).The agreed Recommendations will then be implementedand on-going service and reviews are then discussed.What can I Expect?Your Adviser is committed to providing quality financialadvice and a choice of products and/or services to suit yourcircumstances. Whilst we are licensed to provide a range ofservices, we are also obliged under law to have a reasonablebasis for our advice and to act in your best interests whenproviding financial advice, addressing your needs and thesolutions you want us to assist you with.Your adviser is also subject to an Ethical Code that opposesconflicts of interest & misrepresentation whilst promotingefficient, honest & fair dealing; enabling your free, prior &informed consent to recommendations, fees & services.We will not compromise on our advice and will take thisresponsibility very seriously.In order to achieve this, your Adviser will need to determineyour needs, objectives and relevant financial circumstancesbefore providing advice, products and/or services to you.You will be asked to provide accurate information and tokeep your adviser updated on any changes to yourcircumstances to ensure the advice provided and productsrecommended remains relevant to your personal situation.You have the right not to divulge any information should youwish not to do so, however, in such cases, your adviser willwarn you about the possible consequences of not providingrelevant personal and financial information and how thismay impact the quality and reliability of the advice provided.Additionally, your adviser may also decline to provide adviceif they feel they cannot do so adequately with theinformation provided or the advice would be beyond theirformal expertise.Before providing any financial products and/or services toyou, we are also required to verify your identity inaccordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and CounterTerrorism Financing Act 2006. Your adviser will let you knowwhat documentation is needed to meet these customeridentification requirements.Subject to its appropriateness for you, any productrecommended to you by your Adviser must be included onInterPrac Financial Planning’s Approved Products List. Thislist is constructed and maintained by the InterPrac FinancialPlanning Investment Committee, using ratings and reportsfrom leading research groups.The purpose of the list is to ensure that: Recommended product providers have thenecessary skills, resources and experience toachieve their stated investment objectives and Our Advisers have a broad range of researchedproducts to select from in meeting the diverseneeds of their clients.In instances where your Adviser may need to considerproducts outside the Approved Products List, they may applyto InterPrac Financial Planning for special consideration.To ensure that you remain on track to meet your short tolong-term needs and objectives, it is vital to periodicallyreview your financial advice, products and/or services based4on your needs, objectives and circumstances to be sure theyremain relevant. Where you enter into an ongoing servicearrangement, your adviser will offer and hold an annualcomprehensive personal review service. This serviceupdates the advice in line with your needs and implementsany changes which you have agreed upon. A fee may becharged for the ongoing advice and management of yourfinancial affairs. Your adviser will provide you with details ofany such fees applicable to you.Does everything need to be in Writing?Your adviser may accept instructions from you via phone,letter, email or fax. In some instances, your adviser can onlyaccept written instructions from you, and they will let youknow when this happens.Your adviser is required to maintain a paper or electronicrecord of your personal information, including details of yourrelevant personal circumstances. Your adviser is alsorequired to maintain records of documentation for anyfinancial advice given to you in the course of takinginstructions from you, as well as any documents containingadvice they have provided you. Please see our Privacy Policyregarding the care of this information in accordance with theAustralian Privacy Principles.What Financial Advice Documentscan I expect?In providing you financial advice, these are some of thedocuments you may receive from your adviser: Statement of Advice Record of Advice Fee Disclosure StatementWhen you are provided with personal advice that considersyour needs, objectives and relevant financial circumstances,you will receive a Statement of Advice. The Statement ofAdvice sets out the specific advice given to you, including anyrecommendations about particular financial products andservices, and the basis on which those recommendations aremade. The Statement of Advice also provides information onthe amount of any commissions and other fees payable inrespect of financial products recommended to you inconnection with this advice.Under certain circumstances your financial adviser mayprovide you with a Record of Advice, rather than aStatement of Advice. A Record of Advice performs a similarfunction to a Statement of Advice, but is typically a shorter,more informal document.Where an ongoing advice fee is charged by your adviser, aFee Disclosure Statement will be provided annually.The Fee Disclosure Statement (FDS) is an annual record offees received and services provided over the previous 12months plus the fees to be charged and the services to beexpected over the following 12 months.It requires that you, the client, will be required to acceptthe proposed arrangements by signing and returning it.Any fee/service arrangement can be terminated by eitherparty, preferably in writing or the arrangement will lapseautomatically if the FDS is not returned.Should you misplace your documentation, you may requestin writing, a copy of any advice document you received, upto seven years after the advice has been given. Please referto the Privacy Policy – Access to Personal Information fordetails on requesting a copy of your documentation.What Fees & Charges can I expect?InterPrac Financial Planning prefers that our Advisers arepaid on a ‘fee for service’ basis. In some instances, insuranceproviders may pay commission. Depending on the provider,all fees and commissions are paid directly to InterPracFinancial Planning on a fortnightly, monthly or quarterlybasis. InterPrac Financial Planning retains a portion of thefee and commission income generated by each Adviser.InterPrac then pays the balance of the fee and commissionincome to your Adviser.Please refer to the Adviser Profile - Part 2 which sets out thespecific details of payments to your Adviser and/or any thirdparties, and the fees you may be charged.InterPrac Financial Planning receives payments or benefitsfrom certain product as part of an Education and Trainingpartnership. These funds are used for the approvedpurposes of Education and Training and are not payable toyour adviser. In return these providers are grantedopportunities to participate in events such as ProfessionalDevelopment days. These payments are only to offset thecost of providing education and training for our advisers.InterPrac Financial Planning has arrangements with Diversaand Australian Practical Superannuation Pty Ltd to providemarketing and administration services for which it receives afee. This fee is not payable to your adviser and whererelevant is detailed in the Statement of Advice.InterPrac Financial Planning and its Advisers are prohibitedfrom accepting gifts or inducements over $300. Any benefitgiven to InterPrac Financial Planning between $100 to $300will be recorded in a Gifts Register. A copy of your adviser’sand InterPrac Financial Planning’s registers are available onrequest. If you wish to inspect either register, please contactyour adviser or our Head Office.5Referral FeesInterPrac Financial Planning and its Advisers work closelywith many professional people and organisations such asaccountants and solicitors. Where referrals are receivedfrom these sources on a business-to-business level, a referralfee may be paid.Please note, Referral fees may not be received by or paid toadvisers individually. This is to ensure that no conflicts ofinterest can arise.Also note that referral fees are not a separate charge to you,they are paid from the fees received by InterPrac FinancialPlanning.What to do if I have a ComplaintInterPrac Financial Planning is committed to providingquality financial services in an efficient and honest manner.We take all complaints seriously, and have developed aformal complaint handling process to deal with anycomplaints from our clients. A copy of the “ComplaintsHandling Policy and Procedures” is available from yourAdviser or InterPrac Financial Planning. If you do have acomplaint:1. Please contact your Adviser directly to discuss theissue and seek a resolution.If the complaint cannot be resolved by talking to yourAdviser, please contact InterPrac Financial Planning HeadOffice directly:The Complaints OfficerInterPrac Financial Planning Pty LtdLevel 8, 525 Flinders StreetMelbourne Vic 3000Phone: (03) 9209 97772. InterPrac’s dispute resolution Process can be found or can be supplied in hardcopyby your adviser upon request.3. If InterPrac Financial Planning is not able to resolveyour complaint to your satisfaction, you have the rightto lodge a complaint with the Australian FinancialComplaints Authority, a dispute resolution service forthe financial planning industry.Australian Financial Complaints AuthorityGPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001Phone: 1800 931 678Email:, ASIC has an information line on 1300 300 630which you may use to obtain information about your rightsand to make a complaint.Professional Indemnity InsuranceAll InterPrac Financial Planning Advisers are covered byProfessional Indemnity Insurance as required by theCorporations Act, meeting ASIC requirements and coveringpresent and past Authorised Representatives (Advisers).Privacy PolicyThe privacy of our clients and their personal information isan important issue for InterPrac Financial Planning. Allinformation is collected, held and used by us in the strictestconfidence and pursuant to the InterPrac Privacy Policy. Thefollowing policy outlines how InterPrac complies with theAustralian Privacy Principles, and how we collect, use,disclose and manage personal information.Confirming your identityIn accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and CounterTerrorism Financing Act 2006, InterPrac Financial Planningare required by law to collect and maintain identificationdocuments such as Drivers’ Licences and Passports thatallow us to satisfactorily confirm your identity.Collection of Information InterPrac Financial Planning collects and holds yourpersonal information for the sole purpose ofproviding financial services to you, and dischargingour legal obligations. If the information you provide to us is inaccurate orincomplete, it may impact the quality andappropriateness of our recommendations. Where we are arranging insurance and/or investmentproducts for you, we will be required to collect andlodge relevant information for the purposes of thoseapplications. Where you provide us with information aboutanother person, such as your nominated beneficiary,you must ensure that they are aware information hasbeen provided to us and of the existence of thisdocument.Use and DisclosureWe will only use or disclose your personal information in thefollowing circumstances: For the purpose of providing you with financialservices, or in arranging for the application ofinsurance or investments on your behalf; Where you provide your consent, either expressly orthe individual would reasonably expect the APP entityto use or disclose the information for the secondary6purpose implied by your behaviour, for informationto be provided to a third party (eg your accountant); Where we are required by law; Where we are using the information in a directmarketing communication (you will have the optionof electing not to receive direct marketing materials).Quality of InformationWe will make every effort to ensure that the personalinformation we collect is accurate, complete and up-to-date,however we will rely on you informing us if your personaldetails change.Security of InformationWe will take reasonable steps to protect the personalinformation we hold from misuse, loss, and fromunauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Whereyour personal information is no longer needed, and we arenot required by law to maintain it, we will ensure that it issecurely and permanently destroyed.Access to Personal InformationYou may at any time request access to your personalinformation from the past 7 years, that we hold.We will endeavour to comply with your request as soon aspossible, which would normally be within a period of 14days. In most cases there will be no charge for providing suchinformation, however, requests involving large amounts ofinformation may incur a handling fee.Contacting InterPrac Financial PlanningIf you have a complaint in regards to the collection or use ofyour personal information, or have an enquiry about thisPrivacy policy, please write to:Privacy OfficerInterPrac Financial Planning Pty LtdLevel 8, 525 Flinders StreetMelbourne Vic 3000Phone: (03) 9209 9777Email:

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