PWM Advice services

Budgeting & Cashflow

A roadmap to creating financial freedom

We will sit down with you and complete a detailed budget to show you how your money is being disbursed over each month. We will highlight with you, where you may be able to cut back on spending and look to advise on important areas you could redirect your discretionary spending to help you to achieve wealth.

Once we have reviewed your cashflow, we then might be able to look at some tax strategies and how you could lower your taxable income through Salary Sacrifice. Through salary sacrificing, we are not only potentially lowering the amount of tax you are paying, but we are also helping you to build wealth through your Superannuation.

Salary Sacrificing can also assist first home buyers' in being eligible for the First Home Super Savings Scheme.

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PWM Advice CAR #1274992 | ABN 25 632 502 526 | InterPrac Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 14 076 093 680 | AFSL #246638 | Address: Level 8, 525 Flinders St  Vic 3000

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