PWM Advice services

Retirement Planning

Lets maximise your retirement benefits!

The cost of retiree's living expenses is expected to increase by almost 10% over the next 2 years due to inflation, come and see the team at PWM Advice so we can make personalised strategies to help ensure that you can live comfortably through retirement.

We can explore ways to reduce your taxable income and maximise your retirement benefits without impacting your net income. This involves helping you move from an accumulation phase into a transition to retirement, allowing you to contribute pre-taxed monies to superannuation and draw down on funds that are only taxed at 15%. Through this strategy, you have the ability to build your retirement wealth without reducing your net income.

Alternatively, you have the ability to reduce your working hours without compromising income.

If you have reached retirement age, we can look at your current phase of Superannuation and move you into an Account Based Pension, allowing you to draw money tax free from your Superannuation if aged 60 or above while still being invested.

When you retire, your money does not stop being invested. We can look at adjusting your portfolio to a conservative investor, if you are not comfortable to have as much placed into funds that are more volatile.

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PWM Advice CAR #1274992 | ABN 25 632 502 526 | InterPrac Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 14 076 093 680 | AFSL #246638 | Address: Level 8, 525 Flinders St  Vic 3000

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